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Become a Sponsor

This program requires a long-term financial commitment. Ideally, we are looking for permanent sponsors who will pay for their child at least through secondary school.


There are many students whose families are capable of paying the school fees and do, but there are also children in need of assistance.


Lighting the Way Tanzania is focused on helping students with the greatest need. When these children are intelligent, motivated and hard-working, they deserve to have access to advanced education in our hand-selected, partner secondary schools. 

That being said, we do not turn away any offers of help and there are numerous ways that you can contribute.

One-Time Donation

If you want to make a difference but cannot make a long-term commitment. Your one-time donation can go to our general fund for immediate needs, extra expenses and special projects.  These funds often help cover the cost if a sponsor is unable to continue and we need to pay tuition until a new sponsor is found. 

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Sponsor a Young Student

Sponsor a primary school student and commit to an annual donation to pay a single child's tuition all the way through primary and secondary school. Receive semi-annual report cards and news of your sponsee's progress. The current primary school fees are $380/year for grades 1-6 and $420/year for grade 7. Tuition covers boarding if the student requires it along with 2 meals a day.

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Sponsor an Older Student

This can make or break a student's chance to succeed. When an older student's parents cannot make the jump in fees from primary to secondary school, they need sponsors to help them attend one of our chosen secondary schools.  We occasionally lose sponsors for one reason or another and need to find new sponsors. The fees for secondary school are $1200/year for boys and  $1500/year for girls. The tuition covers tuition, boarding, books, and uniforms. 

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Co-Sponsor a Child

If you want to make a difference but can't commit to the full amount, perhaps you can gather a group of friends or co-workers to share the responsibility. Some sponsors even run mini fundraisers each year to raise the funds needed to cover some or all of the costs.

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Children that need Sponsors

Some of our kids need help from day 1 and others need help along the way, especially when it comes to secondary school. The child's parents may run into hard times, sponsors need to stop their support, and other reasons. It is gratifying to begin supporting a child at any age. 

Secondary Students


Nashon Lusito

Nashon is starting his 2nd year at Kitungwa and needs a sponsor to complete his secondary school education.


Neila Msabaha

Neila just graduated and is a very smart little girl. She got all A’s and one B this year. She loves to read, it's her favorite thing to do! Her mother recently died in a motorcycle accident and her very poor family is struggling. She would benefit greatly from having a sponsor to attend SEGA secondary school. She hopes to be a teacher one day.



Derick Ngagi

Derick is starting his 2nd year at Kitungwa and needs a sponsor to complete his secondary school education.



Emma Mgonde

Emma is a recent Bishop Chitemo graduate.She has excellent reading and writing skills and loves math. Emma studies all the time. She comes from a very poor family and will likely not continue in school unless we can find a sponsor to send her to SEGA.


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Primary Students


Baraka Joseph Andrea

Age 5. Baraka lives with his mom and grandfather and needs sponsorship to have a chance to go to school in a safe environment. In some parts of Tanzania, albinos are killed and their parts are cut off for witchcraft purposes. Parents often do not allow their albino children to go to school so they stay home and remain poor and uneducated all their lives.


Imanuel Amos Chiduo

Age 6. Imanuel is an orphan. His mom died in 2019 and his dad died in 2021. He lives with his 80-year-old grandmother and she won't be able to care for him for long. If he can attend Bishop Chitemo through sponsorship, he can board and receive an education, 


Riston Musa

Age 6. Riston lives with his mom, grandmother and little sister. His family lives an extremely poor life. Our sponsorship program was originally started to help some of the poorest families in the village send their children to a good school too. Riston fits the profile. 

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Contact Us

Your support is vital to our work at Lighting the Way Tanzania. 100% of each contribution to our organization goes toward helping us fulfill our mission. Make any requests or notes regarding your donation here.

Thanks for submitting!

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