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Special Projects

A member of Lighting the Way Tanzania makes an annual trip to Berega where we can take gifts, books, and supplies to students and the school. While our primary focus is helping high-achieving students with the greatest need, we also assist with some of the ongoing projects if we have extra funds at the end of each year. This page shows some of the many projects that Bishop Chitemo School is currently working on or toward. If you wish to find out more you may Contact Us here.

General Fund

We keep a general fund for unexpected costs (mainly emergency tuition funds), some maintenance on the volunteers' house, and special projects, One-time donations and fund-raising efforts keep this going.


Bore Hole

The school, the hospital, and the local orphanage need a bore hole to give them an immediate source of water. It is necessary to carry water from faraway sources every day. Life in the village is not easy.

~Cost - $9000


Tables and Chairs

More students means more classrooms which also mean more tables and chairs.


School Library

The students love to read but books are scarce and there is no Amazon here. Donations or hosting a fundraiser or a book drive are great ways to contribute. Contact Us to find out how.


New Classrooms

There are currently 2 classrooms under construction and 4 more are needed. The school is popular and this is the only way to keep the classes from becoming too full.


Netball Playground

There is a playground with the usual equipment but the children would love a netball playground.

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Your support is vital to our work at Lighting the Way Tanzania. 100% of each contribution to our organization goes toward helping us fulfill our mission. Make any requests or notes regarding your donation here.

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Education is Everything

©2022 Lighting the Way Tanzania Inc. - All Rights Reserved.

Lighting the Way Tanzania is a legally registered 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.

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